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classes in the studio.


Although membership is at its highest level for many years and online sessions continue to attract substantial numbers, attendance at many of our classes in the studio is very low - for obvious reasons.

Clearly, uncertainty regarding the use of public transport and mixing with others in the studio are the major factors. We have no control over public transport, but everything possible is being done to make the studio safe. Members arrive with masks and can remove them only when in place to draw or paint. They are worn again as soon as anyone moves from that space and, if there are more than seven people in the studio, masks are worn throughout. All the studio windows are open for the duration of each class, the studio door is usually propped open, and hand sanitisers are available for members' use.

If you think anything else could be done to increase safety in the studio, please let the Committee know

Some information about the classes:

Unfortunately, the Saturday afternoon portrait class has been suspended with immediate effect because of low attendance. It will resume once we can be sure of attendance levels. The Monday morning life class is running well. 10.30am to1.30pm.

Neither the Monday afternoon life class or the Friday afternoon life class now require pre-booking and numbers are no longer limited, so just turn up. Monday is 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Friday is 1pm to 4pm.

The Tuesday evening portrait class is, of course, available online but it is far better to be in front of a live model if at all possible. 6pm to 8pm.

The Wednesday Open class, the only class which doesn't use models, is progressing well. It starts at 10am, so arrive during the morning to get the most benefit from the session.

The Thursday evening life class is streamed online once each month but as Peter, who runs the class, says, "In person you have more control over your viewing angle. The class is friendly, relaxed, and supportive". 6pm to 8pm - although Peter is planning something different during August. See Facebook and website for details.

The Saturday morning life class is also going well. 10am to 1pm.

Non-members are welcome at all of our classes.

As the situation nationally begins to open up, we hope members will feel confident enough to consider returning to classes in the studio and we look forward to seeing members back in Oriel Chambers again soon.

This information has also been emailed to all club members including the 'distance' members who live away from Liverpool in the hope they are able to visit the studio whenever they are anywhere near. They are always especially welcome.

Comments always welcome, please email


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