guests & models.

Although the club is run for the benefit of its members, non-members are welcome at any of its classes.
Classes are run in Life drawing and painting also portrait drawing and painting. If you would like to sample our club you are welcome whether a beginner or professional artist.
First check the classes. section of the home page on this site for your preferred class. When you arrive at the studio introduce yourself to the moderator. The address of our Liverpool city centre art club is on the contact. section of the home page.
If you have any questions, please contact the club by email at
modelling for the club.
The Liver Sketching Club has around nine meetings each week at which members draw or paint from the live model. This means that the club sometimes has vacancies for life or portrait models.
If you are interested in modelling and are over 18 years old you can enquire to the e-mail address below. The secretary will respond if there are any current vacancies.
Portrait [clothed] models are required for classes on Saturday afternoons and Tuesday afternoons and evenings (these are separate classes).
Sitters are usually asked to sit for two consecutive sessions over two weeks and are paid £11 per hour.
Life [nude] models are needed for the classes on Monday morning, Monday afternoon, Thursday evening, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.
Models are paid £15 per hour. Photography is not allowed in the studio while life models are sitting.
Anyone interested should contact the club by email to
Please note that we currently have sufficient models and so we won't be taking on anymore models for the rest of 2023.